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Please email info @ konecnyconsulting.ca (remove the spam fighting spaces) or call us at 416-421-8484
For initial consultations, you can also use our
scheduling service.
Call 416-421-8484, ext 1. If we can't respond quickly, then call 647-272-2809 and leave a detailed message. If possible, email us with details of what is happening and how to contact you.
After normal business hours, weekends and holidays, leave a message on both voice mails, and to our e-mail addresses, with the details including urgency, impact level and scope, and your contact information. Without arranging off hour support in advance, we can't guarantee a quick response during these non-prime hours.
We are located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and will readily travel beyond the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) within Ontario and do work remotely for greater reach. We find the blend that best services our clients and the work at hand. In some instances, we may never meet face to face, as this has worked well with some of our clients.
If you would like to discuss your IT, bookkeeping, and/or documentation needs, please contact us at info @ KonecnyConsulting.ca (remove the spam fighting spaces in the address for it to work).
Note: While we are directly a small shop, by working with us, we are also able to engage the full strength of an association of IT Techs in the GTA and beyond. Remember, it's best not to rely on one particular contact as they could be fully booked at any one given time and may not able to respond in a reasonable time, or a particular contact method may not be functioning. While you'll get an individual's direct contact info as part of a particular part of work, please try to refrain from using it when not currently engaged on that work. The best method of contact is to use the system as listed above, and thereby engage the full strength of an association of IT Techs in the GTA as a whole.
Last updated 2022-09-22 info @ konecnyconsulting.ca |
© 2009-2024 Konecny Consulting Inc. |